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JumpStart Your Freedom
JumpStart Your Freedom Course INDIVIDUAL ACCESS
BEFORE you get started
1. Four Questions
2. Who JumpStart Your Freedom is For
3. Definitions and Terms
4. Hard Questions -- Why do I keep doing the things that I hate?
5. The 5-minute version of how your brain can change
6. 'Guardrails': What is their purpose?
7. Tools to Stop USB
8. Discover Your Triggers
9. Expose the LIES
10. Expose the LIES -- USB is hurting you more than you think!
11. TRUTH that destroys LIES -- WHY do I need Truth?
12. TRUTH that destroys LIES -- HOW do I get there?
13. Frequently Asked Questions about Hope Journey Guide Mentoring
14. Next Steps: Building on this Foundation
12. TRUTH that destroys LIES -- HOW do I get there?
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